Henry's Health Shields

 Protect yourself from the Flu this season by wearing Henry’s HealthShield to train and teach you Hand Awareness. Because the majority of transmission is by your hands! You will be surprised how many times you are breaching the mucous membranes of your eyes nose and mouth.

The Health Shield serves as a barrier device, preventing the wearer from violating his or her “T-Zone” and respiratory droplets landing on your mucous membranes if someone is close enough and does not cover their cough or sneeze. It will help promote behavior change for everyone and is great to wear in the classroom, medical practice, Hospital, Home or Workplace. You can still hear and read their lips. Simply wear the Health Shield for minutes, hours or part of the day.

Help yourself and others break the bad habit!

Visit our store to purchase YOUR health shield today by clicking here: Henry’s Health Shields

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