List of Components

Champion Handwasher Hospital Kit Components


Champion Handwasher Hospital 10 Criteria Sheet


Champion Handwasher Hospital Agreement

(Subscribing to a random audit and be listed as a Champion Handwasher Hospital)

(Above mailed to healthcare facilities, facilities returning signed CHH agreements will receive a boxed Champion Handwasher Hospital Kit including below items)


Animated CD/Video

Next 3 activities to be performed one on each of the following weeks:

            -National Patient Safety Awareness Week (March)

            - International Clean Hands Week (September)

            -International Infection Prevention  Week (October)

-National Handwashing Awareness Week (December)


*Respiratory Droplet Demonstration

(Attendance sheet included)


 *Germ Potion Demonstration

(Attendance sheet included)


 *Staff Hand Hygiene Self Assessment Test

(Attendance sheet included)


 Champion Handwasher Stickers


Do Not Touch the T Zone Stickers


T Zone Teaching Moment


Sample Patient Survey questions

(Most will be incorporated into existing patient satisfaction surveys)



(To be Displayed at every hospital entrance)

Entering the Hospital

Entering Patient's Room

Leaving the Hospital


Support Program Posters (4 varieties)

Do Not Touch the T Zone Poster

Germs on Your Hands Poster

Handwashing Instruction Poster

Henry the Hand's 4 Principles of Hand Awareness Poster


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